Vegetarians At It Again, This Time Disfiguring Children
--Read More In: Dumb Smart People | Food | Health | Kids
Now, a 12-Year-Old Girl in Glasgow Scotland has degenerative bone disease, several fractures and Rickets due to parents' restrictive vegan diet imposed on her since birth.
Causing Global Warming apparently not enough for them, now Vegetarians are bent on causing children a long, slow death and deformity.
El Burro says: "CARNIVORES UNTIE (f'in dislexia!) AND EAT ALL THE VEGETARIANS!!!!!!!!!"
Photo, "Crazy Lady" by Brenton Nicholls
Telegraph-Forced Vegan Girl Has Rickets NYT-Vegan Queens Couple (2003) Atlantic-Christian Science Wisconsin Child Dies of Diabetes
Posted by elburro on 06/22/08 | Comments (0) | Email to a friend |
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